Missional Communities

Missional Communities are at the core of Second City, and they’re much more than small groups…

Missional Communities are families of missionary servants who are scattered throughout the city as communities of salt and light, displaying and declaring Christ and his kingdom.

Life on Life

Being together in the everyday allows visibility and accessibility. We see each other’s lives in the everyday stuff of life so that people know what it looks like to follow Jesus in all of life. With familiarity and accountability, we are able to assess and encourage growth in discipleship.

Life in Community

Community discipleship will lead to disciples looking more like Jesus as he works through the diverse people and gifts in his body. Community is also the context in which we care for each other as a good family and live out the one- another passages of Scripture (e.g. bear one another’s burdens, pray for one another, submit to one another, etc.)

Life on Mission

God’s global mission calls to reach our neighbours and cities. So we are a people on mission together. So in order to lead people to see all of life as worship and discipleship, we must equip disciples to engage the everyday with Gospel intentionality–doing what they would normally do differently in light of what God has done for us in Jesus Christ.

Interested in Joining a Missional Community?

Interested in Starting a Missional Community?